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ASM Online Services - Export Consolidation

ASM Online Services

In the Export Consolidation module you can:

  • Associate a UCR to a MUCR
  • Disassociate a UCR from a MUCR
  • Close a MUCR
  • Query a UCR and display the results

You can link and unlink both CDS and CHIEF DUCRs. However, you will only be able to query CDS UCRs. You should continue to use the display consignment (DCON) feature within HCI if you wish to query CHIEF UCRs.

To access the Export Consolidation features, go the ASM Online Services home page and click on the Export Consolidation module.

Export Consolidation

Query a UCR

To query a UCR, click on query on the top menu. It will appear underlined once selected. Enter the UCR (Unique Consignment Reference) into the Enter UCR box and click on the blue Query button below it.

Export Consolidation

The results will appear in a table below the query.

Export Consolidation

If any Movements have occured, they will also appear in a Movement Details table below the query. Each separate Movement will appear in a new line in the table.

Export Consolidation

The table below describes the type of Movement information displayed in each column of the Movement Details table.

Column Movement Information
Type Message type
Goods Location Location of the goods
Goods Arrival Date and time of the arrival of the goods
Goods Departure Date and time of the departure of the goods
Movement Reference Movement reference
Transport ID ID of the transport
Transport Mode Mode of transport
Transport Country Country of origin of the mode of transport

When a UCR is a MUCR and has Child UCRs attached to it, an additional table below the query results will appear displaying the associated Child UCR details. Each row will display each Child UCR's details, including the UCR, the Declaration ID (MRN), the Route of Entry, the Status of Export and the Total Packages.

Export Consolidation

Export Consolidation

SOE Status Definitions

The table below describes the meaning of the CDS SOE (Status of Export) codes in Sequoia.

SOE ICS CDS Status in Sequoia
0 No declaration
1 Awaiting release
2 Permitted to progress
3 Permitted to progress
4 3 Declaration cancelled
4 - Declaration cancelled
4 6 Seized, destroyed or released to KW (King's Warehouse)
5 No declaration
6 Seized, destroyed or release to KW
7 Awaiting release
8 Awaiting release
9 Awaiting release
10 Awaiting release
11 No declaration
12 Awaiting release
14 Awaiting release
15 Awaiting release
16 Permitted to progress
18 Awaiting release
21 Permitted to progress
22 Departed
24 Awaiting release
D Permitted to release
F Departed inland
NA Declaration error detected by another system

MUCR SOE Definitions

The table below describes the meaning of the CDS MUCR SOE (Status of Export) codes in Sequoia.

SOE CDS Status in Sequoia
0 Awaiting release
3 Permitted to progress
C Awaiting release
E Awaiting release

ROE Route Definitions

The table below describes the meaning of the ROE Route Definition codes.

ROE Code Description
Documentary Control 1 A risk has been identified that requires the declarant to submit documentation for checking. The goods are required to be held.
Physical/External Party Control 2 A risk has been identified which requires the goods to be physically inspected by Border Force or some other third party. The goods are required to be held.
Non-blocking Documentary Control 3 A documentary check has been requested, but the goods do not need to be held.
No control required 6 The declaration has been risked and no control has been required.
Risking not yet performed 0 The declaration is in a processing state which means that risking has not been performed yet.
Pre-lodged H The declaration is an advance/pre-lodged type, and as such the routing is provisional only.


You can make both CHIEF and CDS UCR associations.

Associate UCR to MUCR

To associate a UCR to a MUCR, enter the UCR into the Enter UCR box and enter the MUCR that you wish to associate it to in the Enter MUCR box. Next, click on the Submit button.

Export Consolidation

A table will appear below the query, detailing the association and showing if it was successfully completed or not.

Export Consolidation

Disassociate UCR from MUCR

To disassociate a UCR from a MUCR, enter the UCR into the Enter UCR box and click on the Submit button. This will disassociate the UCR from it's associated MUCR. There is no need to specify what the MUCR is.

Export Consolidation

A table will appear below the query, detailing the disassociation and showing if it was successfully completed or not. Any other associations or disassociations that you made in the current session will also be displayed in the table.

Export Consolidation

Close a MUCR

To close a MUCR, select the Close MUCR option and enter the MUCR that you need to close into the Enter MUCR box. Next, click on the Submit button.

Export Consolidation

A table will appear below the query, showing if the MUCR was successfully closed or not.

Export Consolidation