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API - Usage Methods

Declaration (CDS) Methods

Sequoia v6.03


Retrieves the current state of a declaration identified by the unique identifier in the request.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsDeclarationIdentifier.xsd
Response (success): CdsDeclarationStateType.xsd
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above
Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete export declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsExportFullDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete import C21 (Entry in Declarant's Records - EIDR) declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportEidrDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete import C21 (Customs Clearance Request) declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportClearanceRequestDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete import Standard (Full Import) declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportFullDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete import Simplified declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportSimplifiedDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Specifies a partial or complete import Supplementary declaration to be stored in Sequoia.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportSupplementaryDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): A string representing the LRN value (this is automatically generated if not included in the request)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.0


Gets declaration data identified from the specified LRN or MRN.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsDeclarationIdentifier.xsd
Response (success): CdsExportFullDeclaration.xsd (for an export declaration)
CdsImportEidrDeclaration.xsd (for an import C21 (Entry in Declarant's Records - EIDR) declaration)
CdsImportClearanceRequestDeclaration.xsd (for an import C21 (Customs Clearance Request) declaration)
CdsImportFullDeclaration.xsd (for an import Standard (Full Import) declaration)
CdsImportSimplifiedDeclaration.xsd (for an import Simplified declaration)
CdsImportSupplementaryDeclaration.xsd (for an import Supplementary declaration)
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above
Sequoia v5.0


Transmit an existing import or export declaration identified by LRN.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: SendCdsDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above
Sequoia v5.15


Arrive a lodged, pre-arrival, declaration. Note, this only applies to non-inventory linked declarations.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: ArriveDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above
Sequoia v5.26


Update an existing import C21 (Entry in Declarant's Records - EIDR) declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportEidrDeclarationUpdate.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.26


Update an existing import C21 (Customs Clearance Request) declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportClearanceRequestDeclarationUpdate.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.26


Update an existing import Standard (Full Import) declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.
Note Should you need to remove an item from an accepted declaration, you must set the Commodity Code value of that item to the word "DELETE", this will ensure the correct amendment message is built and sent to HMRC.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportFullDeclarationUpdate.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.26


Update an existing import Simplified declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportSimplifiedDeclarationUpdate.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.26


Update an existing import Supplementary declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.
Note Should you need to remove an item from an accepted declaration, you must set the Commodity Code value of that item to the word "DELETE", this will ensure the correct amendment message is built and sent to HMRC.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsImportSupplementaryDeclarationUpdate.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above

Transactions are supported by specifying a TransactionId on the request.

Sequoia v5.40


Update an existing export declaration.
Will replace an existing declaration if it has not been accepted and will send an amendment to HMRC if declaration has been accepted or lodged.
The 'Reason for Amendment' element (<reasonForAmendment />) is mandatory if updating an accepted declaration.
Note Should you need to remove an item from an accepted declaration, you must set the Commodity Code value of that item to the word "DELETE", this will ensure the correct amendment message is built and sent to HMRC.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsExportFullDeclaration.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above.
Sequoia v5.26


Sends a cancellation request for a declaration that has been accepted/lodged.

Payload Schema / Return value
Request: CdsDeclarationCancellationRequest.xsd
Response (success): 'True'
Response (failure): See Error Reporting above